Anh-Thu Nguyen
Anh-Thu Nguyen is committed to quality and positive flight training experience.
With over 4,000 hours Anh-Thu’s ratings include Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII), Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI), Airplane Single Engine Sea (ASES), and Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) with a B757/B767 type rating.
Having instructed in many places in the country in different conditions including Indianapolis, Fresno and San Francisco, Miami, Seattle, and all over Europe Anh-Thu enjoys the daily challenges of general aviation. She is a B767 pilot and has ferried airplanes all over the world including Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and Germany.
As an aerospace engineer from Georgia Tech, Anh-Thu enjoys designing airplanes, but as a pilot, she is truly passionate and excited about flying and instructing.
Anh-Thu provides the following services:
Youth Flight Instruction
Discovery Flights
Biennial Flight Reviews
Instrument Proficiency Checks
Complex & High Performance Endorsements
Seaplane rating
FAA written exam preparation
Private Pilot Instruction
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot Certificate
Certified Flight Instructor Certificate (CFI)
Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Certificate (CFII)
Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI)